Figure Review: Kotobukiya 1/7 Scale ArtFx Clone Trooper (501st Division)
The 501st Division of Clone Troopers are distinguished by the blue markings on their body armor. In Episode III, Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars fans witnessed the attack on the Jedi Temple by members of the 501st Division led by their newly anointed Sith Lord, Darth Vader.

Overall Rating
In this ArtFx statue, Kotobukiya’s trademark distinctive and well-chosen pose is evident.
The 501s Division Clone Trooper is sculpted in a massively awesome pose. With his left hand aiming his standard blaster straight at you and his right hand clutching a long blaster, the dynamism of the pose simply “jumps” at you.

The base is sculpted to resemble the ruins of the Jedi Temple in the aftermath of the assault by the 501st Division led by Vader.